Love Language's

Hello you beautiful people today we are going to talk about love, more specifically what your love language is.

Their are 5 love languages:

1: Words of Affirmation
2: Quality time
3: Receiving gifts
4: Acts of service 
5: Physical touch

Describing love languages: 

- Word of Affirmations - Expressing verbal communication/ compliments/ praise and appreciation on your partner.
- Quality time - giving someone your undivided / focused/ unlimited attention regularly.
- Receiving gifts - Giving gifts as a symbol of love and affection.
- Acts of service - Completing tasks/ actions to show your love, cooking/ washing dishes/ cleaning.
- Physical Touch - Feeling affection through physical touch/ holding hands/ sex/ kissing/ cuddling.

My Results: 
My primary language is physical touch by 37%
I am very touchy, hugs, thoughtful touches on the arm, pat on the back can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care and love.
Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse are unforgivable and destructive.
Appropriate and timely touches communicate warmth, safety and love to me.

Quality time 33%
words of affirmation 13%
Acts of service 13%
Receiving gifts 3%

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