Morning Skincare Routine

             Good morning everybody

Today we are talking about skincare routines and products.
I will be very honest with you mine is not no wear near expensive or lavish, mine is affordable with products that are made for combination skin, just a heads up there.

When we went into lockdown my routine was very basic and consisted of washing my face and applying moisturiser that was it. (shock horror) while in lockdown I found TikTok! (God help us all) and some of you ladies and gentlemen were doing your routines and makeup I was amazed, I was very interested I also learnt what order to put things in because I really never new (don't shame me).
I was never been feminine enough to know how things went nor was I very interested when I was younger.

I now have a 3 step routing with a few extras when I decided to pamper myself so without further a do here it is.

Step 1: Wash Your Face/ Cleanse
Cucumber Facial Scrub (Gently Exfoliates) Link Here
(The is a new addition to my routine as I finished my other one this has a cooling effect and smells of cucumbers)


Step 2: Apply Serum
Organic Hemp Face Serum Link Here 
(This serum is suitable for all skin types and is a new addition to my routine it comes in the white tube but I placed mine in the amber bottle because the pump didn't work)

Step 3: Apply Moisturiser 
Oil Free Moisturising Day Cream 24H Moisture Boost + Matte
(oily and combination skinLink Here 
(I have combination skin and it has taken me a while to figure out how to deal with it but this product has been a life saver for me)

Sending light and love to you all
Stay safe and wear a mask
Love Kay

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