
Capricorn - The Goat
December 22 – January 19
Capricorn's are also philosophical signs and are highly intelligent too. They apply their knowledge to practical matters, and strive to maintain stability and order. They are good organizers, and they achieve their goals by purposeful, systematic means. They are very intuitive, although they don't share this trait with others freely. They do not deal well with opposition or criticism but a healthy Capricorn will often shrug off negative comments towards their character. They are patient and persevering – they know they can accomplish any task as long as they follow a their plan step-by-step. Capricorn's have broad shoulders, and typically take on other's problems with aplomb. Ironically, they rarely share their own problems and tend to go through bouts of inner gloom after a spell of dwelling on these problems.

Moon in Capricorn:

To those who don't know you well, you appear as cool as the moon. In control, self-disciplined and dignified, you are often mistaken as unfeeling. You're extremely productive, capable and thorough. This means you make everything you do look easy, which can also put people off. They have no idea beneath your cool exterior you are pragmatically planning the next five moves in your strategy to accomplish your goals. And accomplish goals is a forte. A unique mixture of patience, willingness and dogged determination usually insures victory. You're also remarkably dependable; others naturally seek you out for guidance and advice. Your special ability to stay collected under pressure makes you a fantastic leader. You also win respect from your peers easily because you don't just talk the talk (you rarely boast), you actually walk the walk. You prove your value through consistent action. People really look up to you for that, and admire your integrity.

Carnation - Capricorn flower

"Simplicity is its own reward."
December 22 – January 21
Those with the carnation flower sign are beautifully adept at putting things in order, and organizing. You are strong willed and determined for others to see your point of view. You are a natural leader, and others look to you to lean on. You can be driven and determined and this makes you a strong personality. You are no stranger to hard work, and you like to get things done your way. You like security, particularly if you are building a comfort zone with your own two hands. 

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