Zero Waste

An eco-friendly lifestyle is becoming more and more critical with every passing day. 
Being humans, we need to protect and save our habitat, this planet, from any sort of damage caused by us. 
It requires a lot of effort to be minimalist in using ingredients from the Earth in such a healthy way that it does not harm the environment. Still, there are many ways in which an individual can make certain sustainable changes so that the negative effect of our daily lifestyles can be balanced. 

Below we have compiled 5 top tips for you to lead an eco-friendlier life; these habits will also help you save money and live a healthy lifestyle.

1. Maintaining or Renovating Your Home.
If you are thinking of living more sustainably, the first thing to do is adopt a more vigilant way of living. When the power is not needed, make sure you switch all the power points off. There is another thing called stand-by power wastage, your habitat and your wallet both are going to thank you if you turn off the appliances. Another smart option is to replace your old school light bulbs with advanced energy smart LED bulbs. These energy savers consume only 1/5 of the energy that a standard old-school bulb uses; these also last longer than regular bulbs.

2. Reconsider What You Wear! 
Humans today consume almost four hundred percent of clothes when compared to the human of two decades ago. Every year we consume about eighty billion pieces of clothes, which has increased the demand for fast fashion, eventually destroying the environment. From farms to our room closets, textile industries consume energy throughout their supply chain. Rely on sustainable brands for your clothing and go organic. Clothing made with natural fabric instead of synthetic one will surely help benefit the ecosystem. You can also buy second-hand clothes. By using them, you can not only reduce carbon emissions but also save a lot of resources and energy wasted in the production of new clothes. It also prevents the piling up of old clothes in incinerators and landfills. This way, you help the environment and play a part in regulating the recycling process. 

3. Your Meat and Dairy Consumption.
One of the main reasons for greenhouse gas emissions is excessive food consumption. Therefore, it is imperative to reduce our carbon footprint by cutting short milk and meat products consumption. As we know, about almost 1 kg of carbon dioxide is emitted in producing 1 liter of milk. These processes also produce heaps of methane, a chemical pollutant that is majorly responsible for global climate changes. However, we should reduce dairy consumption by looking at the nutritional and healthy aspects. A study by Shrink That Footprint reveals that a diet with less beef and lamb is eco-friendly. Why not try cutting meat out for a day of two in the week.

4. Use Eco-Friendly Products.
Cleaning products like detergents, foaming agents, and preservatives, are made with toxic chemicals. As we clean, the disposed of water with these chemicals is taken to the rivers and streams, entering the eco systems and, as a result, damaging biodiversity. It is essential to take eco-friendly measures and switch to products containing natural ingredients that are sustainably grown. Such products help in reducing the risk of toxic chemicals exposure, which is harmful to both humans and the eco system. You can make your own natural cleaners at home by mixing lemon juice, vinegar, and sodium bicarbonate. You can also add a spoon full of olive oil to use the mixture as a dust-resistant cleaner. This is one of the best eco-friendly and cheaper cleaners that help reduce packaging waste and the usage of toxic chemicals that can be detrimental to the environment. 

5. Use Heat Pumps During winter.
Heat pumps extract the heat from the air, water, or ground and shift that heat to your home; they are eco-friendly alternatives to be used this January as air conditioners and boilers. The need for gas pipes and oil tanks can be limited with the help of these heat pumps. Every single kW of electricity a heat pump uses creates 4kW of thermal energy, resulting in a higher efficiency rate. Heat pumps reduce carbon discharge in your homes compared to gas or electric heating systems. In the UK, the schemes offer five thousand pounds off the heat pump installation cost. 

Conclusion Eco-friendly living is a vast channel of habits that you adapt, as it helps you, your environment, and your entire community. Although it’s a bit difficult to acquire an eco-friendly living, our tips will surely assist you. 

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