December - Capricorn - Chinese Zodiac

December - Capricorn - Rabbit

December born people are: 
           : Highly disciplined and hold great self control
           : They are responsible and at the some time unforgiving.

December born specialities:
: Their outlook on life is all about exploration and wants to live and enjoy the present.
: You are a multi tasking person who is very talented.
: You tend to get bored of things very quickly.
: You are very sharp and a quick learner.
: The best career for us is in the field of medicine.

Capricorn: We are understanding, sweet and sympathetic.

Rabbit - Tu'
Fire Rabbit
1915 - 1927 - 1931 - 1951 - 1963 - 1975 - 1987 - 1999 - 2011 - 2023
Earthly branch of birth year - Mao Wu Xing
The five elements - Wood (Mu)
Yin Yang - Yin

The rabbit is a tame creature representing hope and life for a long time, they are tender and loving.
The moon goddess Chang'e is the Chinese legend and has a rabbit as her pet which is thought that only this creature is enough to match her natural beauty.
Another way of looking at it is the rabbit is a reincarnation of the moon goddess and is a symbol of pureness and auspiciousness.
Rabbits love freedom and once they set goals they march forward without hesitation or distraction, they are self disciplined, strict with them selves but tolerant with others.
Rabbits look mild and soft but they are alert to dangers and outsiders.
They don't easily trust but do have a courteous manners in social settings.

Celebrities/ Important people born on 23rd December:
Eddie Vedder
Madam CJ Walker
Carol Ann Duffy
Donna Tartt
Muhammed Zafar Iqtal

Shows released 23rd December:
Good morning Vietnam released 1987 
20,000 Leagues under the sea released 1954

Kpop Starts Birthdays on the 23rd December:
Kim Siheon (Noir)
Jaehyo (Block B)
Sanghoon (100%)
Park Jiwon

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