BOOK: The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

Hello everyone!
Well first of all let me tell you how proud of myself I have read the whole 6 books of The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare in less than a month there have been many late nights and going to work very tired the next day but I did thoroughly enjoy them all.
The last book has got to be my ultimate favourite
City of Heavenly Fire.
My favourite characters are Alec and Magnus.
Clary and Jace's relationship got a bit boring for me and pathetic at times I seemed to gravitate towards the Lost boys.

Magnus with his sarcastic play with words and Alec with his lack of experience on life they make a great pair, the most heart breaking scene for me was when Magnus called for his dad and in return he was giving away his immortality which meant he would die all in aid for them to return, you could really feel the broken heart between them both it was amazing you could really feel the hurt and love, I cried.


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